Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 10 Reading Diary B

This week I chose to read the Eskimo Folk-Tales reading unit from the un-textbook. Here are my two favorite stories from the second half of the unit.

The Eagle and The Whale 

Whale and Eagle
by Joe Wilson, found on Antiques2Jewelry
  • There are two daughters who don't want to marry, so they are given an eagle and a whale to marry. The eagle swooped down and scooped its prize up. Each day it would bring her a narwhal or a walrus and each day she would work on a rope to lower herself down from the perch. 
  • Soon, the brothers of these girls began to miss them and set about making crossbows. A young homeless boy accompanied them when they set off to retrieve their sister. She lowered herself down and when the Eagle tried to come get her, they shot at it with arrows. None could hit it until the little boy released his arrow and killed it. 
  • The other sister lived with the whale who was very fond of her, but she grew homesick. She longed to see her brothers and they missed her too so they made a boat and set out. However, they realized their boat was weak and had to break it down and start over. The wife of the whale meanwhile asked to go outside, but he would not let her and had tied a string around her to keep her in his grasp. The wife somehow made it just outside the cave and tied her string to a rock. The whale wanted her back in so he pulled the string, bringing not his wife, but a big rock. He was furious and came after her. Her brothers picked her up in their bigger, better boat and as they ran off she left a trail of clothing to which the whale pounced on and caused much commotion. However, the last piece he jumped on was in shallow water and the whale ended up beaching himself. 


  • I'm going to call the main character Ang. 
  • One day Ang went missing and his father blamed his mother. She asked him to wait and not kill her until they talked to someone who could consult with spirits. He had many wizards try to find his son, but none did. Then, a spirit came and told him that Ang was between 2 great cliffs and being taken care of by 2 inland people. Ang's father and his wizard buds went to find his son. They found him and a wizard put the people to sleep and rescued Ang. The end. 

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