My reading diaries have been essential in my storytelling and storybook assignments. I use them every time. They also give me ideas of what sort of outside information i'll need to write a good story for my storybook. I use a lot of sources for my stories (which is why my bibliography for Isis was so long), and having my bulleted lists from my reading diaries really helps me get my thoughts together when i'm writing.
I used to read a lot for pleasure, but since college have had little time to do so. However, I used reading as a fun way to escape from real life and get lost in another place as a different person. I like stories with lots of descriptive imagery and stories that take place in places where magic exists so the stories i've read in this class have been a nice break from all the stuff I have to read for my other classes (which means dry textbooks and LOTS of research articles).
My Hat is a Very Good Hat
from Animal Capshunz, found on Vayagato
I chose to include this photo because I like it and it makes me happy, but also because it was from a really fun story from the Congo unit, How the Gazelle Got Married. This story was just a lot of fun to read and was a nice example of something that I enjoyed reading without having to use it heavily in class. I got this from my week 7 reading diary B.
Bria- I fluctuated between this class and the Indian Epics class but ended up choosing this one. Unfortunately it is my last semester so I will not get a chance to take Indian Epics. I have a friend who is taking it right now and really has enjoyed it. I read the Arabian Nights just for fun and really enjoyed it. It’s great that the readings are enjoyable and entertaining. Not often does that happen in college :)