Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week 12 Famous Last Words

Falling into Place

It's only Tuesday and i'm already tired and ready for Friday.. well, actually.. i'm ready for May. April is seriously the busiest and most stressful month of the year for us social work majors. Our professors don't really spread out our assignments so all of the big ones are due during April. This month I have to wrap up this class, write and present my capstone paper, write a quantitative research methods journal critique, write and present a research proposal, finish up getting my practicum hours at Calm Waters, finish paying for my program fees for Tanzania this summer, apply for my student visa, and attend mandatory orientations for my MSW program. So much to do, so little time! 

Anyway, today one of the divorce groups at Calm Waters ended and I was actually a little sad. I've seen these kids come so far in the past 8 weeks! It was so hard to say goodbye when one of the littlest told me she wished groups could keep going. I saw two little girls do a complete 180. One girl was meek and always passed, refusing to answer or talk about what she was going through. She was very quiet and usually looked down for most of group. I worried about her, but as group progressed she opened up. Today, she wanted to be the first to answer. She smiled, laughed, and talked louder than she had before. She participated the entire time and was eager to continue coming to group. The other was very sad and angry. She literally hid behind her hair and curled into a ball in her chair. She never looked up and usually didn't participate. When she did, she muttered her one word answers very quietly and reluctantly. Today, she was laughing and participated openly. She also talked about how she enjoyed meeting the people in the group and wasn't as eager to leave as normal. We ended with a group hug where we stood in a circle, put our hands around each others' shoulders, and put our right feet in so that we ended up embracing. It was a great end to a difficult and wonderful group. 

My photo from our group hug today (4/7/15)

My life is pretty hectic and stressful right now, but it seems like things are finally starting to fall into place. I'm looking forward to graduation, Tanzania, and grad school! 


  1. Hi Bria!

    The extra blog comments this week requires comments on famous last words, so here I am. I have definitely felt the ready for Friday feeling on Tuesdays. Even Mondays for that matter. April is always so crazy busy with different events, interviews, exams, etc. I like the photo from the group hug that you included in the post. I feel like group hugs really don't happen a lot, so good for you for taking the time to do that. Best of luck with the rest of the semester!

  2. Girl, I feel your pain! Graduation is just around the corner but it's also a million miles away. How many papers do we have to go through between now and that fateful day?
    Anyway, it sounds like you're in a sea of work this April, but if anyone can stay afloat, I know it's you! Things definitely sound like they're falling into place for you and I'm so excited to see how the Summer and Grad School ends up going for you! Good Luck!
