Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 13 Reading Diary A

This week I chose to read the Librivox Grimm Fairy Tales unit. Below are my favorite stories from the first half of the reading.

The Frog Prince

  • A princess is walking around by a pond when she drops her ball. She vows that if she could get her ball back she'd give all of her fine clothes and jewelry away. A frog hears her crying and asks what's wrong. She calls him nasty and tells him what happened to her ball. He says he doesn't want her clothes or jewels. He wants her to love him and let him live with her, and in return he will get her ball back. She agrees and he fetches her ball, but as soon as it's in her hand she runs as fast as she can back home. The next day she hears a strange noise and a knock on her door. It's the frog, begging her to let him in. She slams the door in his face and runs to her father. She tells the king what happened and he told her that she made a promise, and she must keep it. She begrudgingly did what the frog wanted, and at the end of the night they went to bed with him sleeping on her pillow. When she awoke the next morning, the frog was gone and a handsome prince was left in his place. He tells her that an evil fairy cursed him and she had broken the curse. The next day they set out together to be married and live their days out in the prince's kingdom. 
The Origami Frog Prince
by Orestigami, found on DeviantArt


  • A man and woman are having trouble getting pregnant, but finally it happens! They live next door to a witch who has a most beautiful garden. Everyday the woman gazed into the garden and she so desperately wanted some of the greens that she became ill. She told her husband that she would not feel better until she'd had some of the greens (called rampion, or Rapunzel). So, the husband climbed into the witch's garden and grabbed some rampion. However, he got caught! He explained why he stole her greens and the witch told him that he could take as much rampion as he wanted, but when the baby was born she would take it and raise it as her own. And so it came to be, the baby was born and the witch named her Rapunzel and stole her away. She locked the child in a tower deep in the forest, and she grew into the most beautiful young girl. The witch would have Rapunzel let down her long, golden hair anytime she wanted to visit and she'd climb up and through the tower window. 
  • Often, Rapunzel would sing from her window and one day the king's son was riding through the words and heard her song. He'd never heard anything more beautiful. He rode home, but couldn't get that voice out of his head so he returned. When he came back, he saw the witch call to Rapunzel to let down her hair and was in awe when he saw it fall in long tresses to the ground. The next day, he bade her to let down her hair, and she did. He climbed up, but when he entered Rapunzel was frightened! She'd never seen a man before, but he talked kindly to her, like a friend and her fears soon drifted away. She decided she wanted to leave with him, but she did not know how to get down from her tower. She told him to continue visiting her and each time, to bring a piece of silk with him. She would take the pieces and weave a ladder. He agreed to visit her every evening until she could make the ladder.
  • Everything was going great until she slipped up and asked the witch why she was so much heavier than the prince. The witch was incredibly angry and grabbed her by her hair. She cut off all her hair and dragged her away to the desert. She left her there and returned to the tower where she tied Rapunzel's hair and waited for the prince to return. When he did, she lowered it down and he climbed up. She surprised him and told him he'd never see her again. He was heartbroken, and spent many years wandering around in sadness. Then, one day, he heard her singing again. He teared up and followed the sound of her voice. They cried and embraced, and the prince rescued her from her desert prison. They rode back to his castle and were married. They lived happily ever after. 

by Tom Monster, found on DeviantArt

Briar Rose 

  • King and Queen are having trouble conceiving. One day, the queen was walking by a pond and saw a fish that had thrown itself out of the water. She picked it up and placed it back, and the fish told her that her wish for a baby would be granted and she'd have a baby girl. The queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and held a great celebration wherein the whole kingdom, even the fairies, was invited. However, there were 13 fairies in the kingdom, but the king and queen only had 12 plates so they left one out without consulting her. The 12 fairies came and bestowed gifts upon the child, but as the 12th fairy went to give her gift, the 13th fairy burst in the door. She was pissed that she hadn't been invited and cursed the child that on her 15th birthday she would be injured by a spindle and fall down dead. After she left, the 12th fairy came to give her gift. She could not undo the curse, but soften it. Instead of dying, the princess would fall asleep for 100 years.
  • The king hoped to save his daughter from her faith and ordered all of the spindles in the kingdom to be brought to the castle and burned. The princess grew up in grace and glory. She was beautiful and loved by all who met her. It happened, though, that on her 15th birthday she was home alone, roaming the castle and ran into an old lady who sat at a spinning wheel. She asked what the woman was doing and became very curious. She tried to spin, but was instantly wounded and fell to the ground. Everyone in the kingdom also fell asleep. A wall of thorns grew around the castle and continued to get thicker each year. 
  • One day, a king's son who'd heard the story of the sleeping kingdom came to see the beautiful Briar Rose. It just so happened that it was the 100th day and the curse was lifting. Still, when he came to the castle everyone, even the flies on the walls, were asleep. He came to the princess's room and she was so beautiful that he had to kiss her. As he did this, she opened her eyes and smiled upon him. They went together to the king and queen who also woke up and the two were married and lived happily ever after. 

Sleeping Beauty
by Orelly, found on DeviantArt

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