For this week's untextbook feedback, i chose to read
The Bride of Yama which was taken from
Sacred Tales of India by D. N. Neogi, with illustrations by P. Ghose (1916). The reading was opened from the archive on Open Library. I chose to read this story because it was starred and bolded, which I assumed meant it was one of the stories you really wanted us to look at. My initial thoughts upon opening this link are that I do not like how it's presented. The text on each page is too light and seems to almost blend in with the color of the paper on the screen. It is difficult to read and made my eyes strain which made me have to take multiple breaks while reading just one story. This was made a little better when I zoomed in, but I still really wish the text was darker so I could see it better. I liked that I could switch between pages with the arrow keys on my keyboard. I didn't like that because I zoomed in, I had to scroll up and down to see the whole page and could not use the arrow keys for this. It was a minor annoyance, but seemed silly that the arrow keys didn't work for moving up and down on the page. As for the story itself, I liked it. The beginning was a little strange and seemed kind of all over the place, but overall I thought it was a neat story that I enjoyed reading. I liked that this story involved Parvati, she's one of the most interesting females in Indian mythology (in my humble opinion).

Yama on Buffalo
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