Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 7 Reading Diary B

This week I decided to read the Stories from the Congo unit from the un-textbook which includes stories taken from Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort by Richard Edward Dennett (1898). The following for my favorites from this week's overall readings so my reading diary B for this week will be focusing on these.

How The Wives Restored Their Husband To Life

  • So, there's this guy named Nenpetro and he has 3 wives: Ndoza'ntu (the Dreamer), Songa'nzila (the Guide), and Fulla Fulla (the Raiser of the Dead)
  • Nenpetro kills an antelope and gives it to his wives who gobble it up. Soon, however, they are complaining of hunger again. Nenpetro then goes out and kills a monkey for them, they eat it, but are still hungry. He can't believe their hunger so he goes out to hunt an ox for his wives for surely an ox will satisfy their hunger. He finds a group of 3 oxen eating and picks one out of the bunch. He shoots the ox and is reloading when one of the other oxen charges Nenpetro and kills him.
  • Back in town, the wives grew hungry and began calling out for their husband but he never came back. Ndoza'ntu had a dream that Nenpetro had died after killing an ox. Soon enough they set out and found his body. Fulla Fulla gathered herbs and plants to raise Nenpetro from the dead then the 3 wives began quarreling. They wanted to know whose hut he would go to first after rising from the cold grip of death. They decided to settle the quarrel by each cooking a pot of food and letting him choose which pot of food to eat first. Whoever's food he chose, would be the wife whose hut he visited first. 2 of them used chicken, but Fulla Fulla used pig. Nenpetro chose Fulla Fulla's food and explained to the them that Ndoza'ntu dreamt of his death and Songa'nzila showed them the way to his body, but without Fulla Fulla's gift he would not be able to eat anyone's food so her gift was the greatest. Many agreed with him, but the wives said he should have taken food from each pot and combined it all into one bowl instead of choosing. 

How Gazelle Got Married

My Hat is a Very Good Hat
from Animal Capshunz, found on Vayagato

  • Now Nenpetro has 2 wives and they both give birth to girls. Because they were wealthy they decided to give their daughters to the two men who could figure out their names (Lunga and Lenga). 
  • This dude Nsassi and his dog come up and he asks for their hands in marriage. He is rejected because he does not know their names. The dog feels hella bad for him so he stayed behind when Nsassi left and heard Nenpetro call his daughters by their names. He runs back to his master and says he will tell him if he pays him. Nsassi kills a pig and gives it to the dog who tells him the daughters' names. 
  • They celebrated fully then set out to claim the prizes. However, they got too drunk and forgot the names so the dog had to go back but then it's all good and Nsassi gets his brides.

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