- First off, Aladdin is an "idle" (I think this might mean disabled in some way) street rat who is playing with his degenerate friend and causes so much grief for his father that the man dies! He freakin' dies! AND Aladdin doesn't try to change his ways afterward.
- Aladdin meets an African magician who claims to be his uncle. The man takes Aladdin, buys him fancy clothes and shows him many sights before coming to a narrow valley between two mountains. He made a fire, threw some powder in it, and spoke some incantations before giving the boy a ring. Under the stone, said the man, there is a treasure of unspeakable power and it is all for Aladdin as long as he does what the man says. His instructions were as follows:
"Go down," said the magician; "at the foot of those steps you will find an open door leading into three large halls. Tuck up your gown and go through them without touching anything, or you will die instantly. These halls lead into a garden of fine fruit trees. Walk on till you come to a niche in a terrace where stands a lighted lamp. Pour out the oil it contains and bring it to me."
- Just like in the movie, when Aladdin grabs the lamp, the cave starts falling in on itself and the magician tells him to hand over the lamp. Aladdin wouldn't do it until he got out of the cave and the magician disappeared. He hadn't been Aladdin's uncle, he just wanted to get the lamp and all the magical power it possessed before killing Aladdin.
- Aladdin rubs the lamp and out pops a genie.. I am slave to the ring and you're wish is my command, said the genie.
Part 2
- Aladdin wishes for the genie to get him out of the cave. His wish is granted and he heads home to tell his mom everything that happened.
- His next wish is for some food and is presented with a glorious feast on 12 silver plates for him and his mother. They sit down and eat while Aladdin tells his mom about the lamp and the genie. She tells him to sell it- that thing's got devil in it for sure. Aladdin obviously refuses and goes on to sell the twelve plates.
- One day, the sultan told everyone to stay inside and draw their blinds so that his daughter may go to and from her bath. Aladdin wanted to see her face so bad that he followed her and when he saw her face, he immediately fell in love. Aladdin went home a changed man and professed his love for the princess to his mom as well as his intention to ask her to marry him- to which his mother replied by bursting into laughter. Finally she agrees to take some magical fruit to the sultan as an offer for the princess's hand in marriage.
- It took 6 days before the sultan called on her, but when she presented her offer he was astounded. The grand-vizir wanted his son to marry the princess so he begged the sultan to give him 3 months so that his son may come up with a better gift in exchange for the princess. The sultan finally agreed to hold off the wedding for 3 months, then the two shall be married.
- Aladdin waits patiently until he hears that the grand-vizir's son is to marry the princess just as the three months were about up. He asks the genie to bring him the bride and groom; the genie obeys. He told the genie to throw the man out in the cold and laid down next to the terrified princess where he slept soundly for the rest of the night.
- As per Aladdin's command, at daybreak the genie fetched the groom and put him back in bed before transporting him and the princess back to the palace.
- The two tell their families of what happened but no one believes them, so every night the same thing happens until finally the groom wishes to leave the princess or suffer another night of torture. The two are divorced and when the three months were up, Aladdin's mom returned to the sultan to remind him of his promise. He remembered, but was surprised to learn of how poor Aladdin and his mom were. He didn't want to give his daughter to such poverty so he set so high of a bride price that surely no one would be able to afford it. He told the mother,
"a Sultan must remember his promises, and I will remember mine, but your son must first send me forty basins of gold brimful of jewels, carried by forty black slaves, led by as many white ones, splendidly dressed. "
- She goes home, head hung because she knows they cannot afford this. Aladdin wasn't shocked and simply wished for all of the things the sultan wanted. They appeared, and were sent off to follow the mother back to the palace. The sultan was pleased and sent for Aladdin.
- Aladdin bathed and asked for all of the things to make him look like a prince. He then mounted his new horse and trotted into the town, having his slaves throw gold along the path he made. The king was impressed and urged him to marry the princess that day. Aladdin refused, saying he first wanted to build a palace fit for the princess. He did so and the two were happily married. This is when the grand-vizir smells something fishy about Aladdin.
- Far off in Africa, the magician from earlier in the story, remembers Aladdin and realizes after hearing his rags-to-riches story that he has been using the power of the genie. One day, while Aladdin is gone, the magician comes to the palace carrying 20 bronze lamps and trying to trade them for the old ones housed there. He gets the magic lamp and heads back to Africa.
- The next day, everything was gone, and finally thinking everything might have been magic, the Sultan sends for Aladdin to be brought to him in chains. He is dragged through the town with a mob of villagers behind him, armed and planning to attack should any harm come to Aladdin. He was brought before the sultan who ordered he be decapitated, but the order was not carried out because Aladdin begged to know what he'd done. The sultan showed the empty place where Aladdin's palace once stood, complete with princess inside. The sultan demanded to know where his daughter was. Aladdin asked for 40 days to find her and was granted it.
- He was so distraught that he threw himself into the river and in doing so rubbed his magic ring. The ring genie came out and he asked him to save his life. The ring genie replied that he could not and instead took him to his palace which was now in Africa.
- Much like Jafar and Jasmine, the magician made the princess his slave. Aladdin asks her where his lamp went and she told him that the magician carried it with him at all times. Aladdin tells her of his plan. She must seduce the magician and convince him to join her for some wine. Aladdin gave her some powder and instructed her to put it in the magician's cup which she did. The powder was poison and when the magician drank it, he fell back.. dead.
- Aladdin and the princess are reunited, the palace is moved back to China where it's supposed to be, and the Sultan is ecstatic to see the return of his daughter. There was a huge feast held in Aladdin's honor and all seemed well, but it turned out that the evil magician had an even more evil younger brother.
- The brother kills a woman named Fatima, takes her clothes, and makes himself up to look like her. Then, he enters the palace under his disguise as a holy woman. He says a prayer of health and prosperity over the princess who asks him to stay forever by her side. He consents, but is careful to keep the veil over his face so as to keep up his charade. She shows him a great hall and he says the only thing missing is a Roc's egg. Aladdin's like, "no problem!" and he retires to his room where he asks the genie to procure a Roc's egg.
- The genie freaks out! "You want me to hang my master up in your hall like a decoration?!" he yells. Then, the genie realizes Aladdin had nothing to do with this request and tells Aladdin of the truth of Fatima.
- Aladdin cleverly tells his people to fetch him Fatima for he has a terrible headache and needs assistance. The magician comes, but as he approaches Aladdin, he is killed by a dagger to the heart. The princess screams and asks hysterically how Aladdin could kill the holy woman, but he reveals the true nature of the magician in disguise and the two lived happily ever after.
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