Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week 13 Storytelling

Notes From My Diary
a blog by Rapunzel Gothel

April 7th

Dear Diary,
Today Mother came to visit again. I love when she comes! I get so lonely up here all by myself. I did, however get a few new newspapers from her.  There were a lot of pictures from a show called "Teen Wolf" and the men in it were.. stunning. Mother takes care of me, but I really wish I could see the world. It seems so beautiful! I went on YouTube today and explored a little. It's like my real window into the world. I watched a few videos about what it's like in London. It seems like a magical place! I love their edgy music scene, and wish I could be there! I like punk music, but i've really gotten into.. dare I say it? Taylor Swift! OMG I love her songs "Shake it Off" and "Love Story!" She is amazing. Anyway, I guess that's all i've got for today.. check my collage out below. I've taken to covering my walls with art and my newest obsession is collages. 

April 21st

Dear Diary,
I have a secret to tell you... I met someone today. Can you believe it?!?! A real person! A most handsome prince of a man came to visit me today. He'd heard me singing as he was riding through the woods near my tower. He said I had the most lovely voice and was so kind. He's nothing like what Mother said men were like. She said they are all evil and selfish, but he seems so wonderful. I think I may have a small crush. I have to admit, I was a little surprised and scared initially when he climbed up my hair... but I am SO glad he did. We talked for hours before I realized that Mother would be home soon and she would NOT be happy to see him. He left, but agreed to come back. I hope he comes back soon! *Swoon* 

April 23rd

Dear Diary,
He came back! He is the sweetest, most amazing person i've ever met (I know that's not saying much, but he really has changed my life). I want to see the world with him! He told me stories of his travels today and all of the cool places he's visited and offered to take me with him. Mother would never approve, but i'm tired of living by her rules! I have another secret for you... I am going to escape this tower prison! My prince charming is going to bring me scraps of cloth each time he comes to visit so I can make a rope to climb out of here. I'm so excited! He is going to come see me every evening from now until the rope is finished and we can get out of here! We have to be careful and make sure mother doesn't find out though... 

This T-Swift song sums up my life right now:

May 10th

Dear Diary, 
The past few weeks have flown by and every day my love and I have grown closer. I'm so close to finishing my rope!! I can't wait to get out of this damn tower! Mother's visits are becoming less of a comfort and more of an annoyance. I just want her to hurry up and leave so I can see him. She just doesn't understand. It's always Rapunzel this and Rapunzel that, "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" I need to spread my wings and leave the nest. 

May 20th

Dear Diary, 
I screwed up MAJORLY today. I wasn't thinking! Mother had just got done climbing up my hair and it seemed like such a chore. She just dead-weights me and makes me pull her up; not like he does. He climbs up so gingerly. Anyway, I slipped and asked why she was so much heavier than he was and she FREAKED! I've never seen her that angry before! She grabbed my hair and twisted around her arm. It hurt so bad, and she cut it! She cut almost all of my beautiful hair off! Not only that, she says we're moving and i'm FORBIDDEN from ever seeing my prince again! I don't know what i'm going to do! All I can do is cry...

June 29th

Dear Diary,
I have no motivation to make art anymore. I don't want to do anything and now the view from my window is even more bleak. There's nothing but sand all around. I fear i'll be stuck here for the rest of my life. This may be my last post, at least for quite some time. 

Evanescence is life. Her voice is so hauntingly beautiful and it's like she read my mind. BRING ME TO LIFE.

September 13th

Dear Diary,
You'll NEVER believe what happened today! I was singing (a rather sad song), and my prince heard me! He told me he's been wandering the area for months searching for me! He's searched high and low and was beginning to lose hope until he heard my voice. He followed it's sound and found me in my new prison. It was like something out of a movie! He broke down the door and scooped me up into his arms. He held me for so long, crying, and telling me how happy he was that he'd found me. I cried too and we kissed for the first time. After the initial shock wore off, we ran off together! I hopped on the back of his horse and we rode off to his home (which is giant BTW) and he asked me to marry him! I know it's sudden, but when you know.. you know! I'll keep y'all posted! 

Things are finally going great! I'm so happy and have the perfect man by my side! 

Check out my ring! Bling Bling y'all!

Author's Note:
For this week's storytelling, I chose to retell the story of Rapunzel from the Librivox Grimm's Fairy Tales unit. I decided to write in a diary blog style because it combines the traditional diary that a young girl/woman would keep with today's technology and brought her a little bit into the modern age. I tried to portray her as a teenager, probably around 17/18 because I thought it would be fun, plus it's more normal for a 18 year old to leave home than a younger girl. I hope you enjoyed it! I didn't change much, just took out the back story about how Dame Gothel obtained Rapunzel in the first place (she took her from her parents in exchange for some rampion from her magical garden). I also took a few details out, but overall kept it the same. 

Image Information:
  1. Rapunzel by Yolanda Blazquez, found on DeviantArt
  2. Teen Wolf Collage, found on PixShark
  3. Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran, found on YouTube
  4. Crows by Nicoletta Ceccoli, found on her website
  5. Bring me to Life by Evanescence, found on YouTube
  6. On hand view of Tacori HT2430SM Classic Crescent Channel-Set Three Stone Engagement Ring for Princess found on WhiteFlash

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