Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week 15 College Writing Review

What is your major and what role do writing courses play in your major?

  • My major is social work and writing is incredibly important because we don't have many tests. Our papers are long and weighted heavily so we are expected to be able to write well. However, we do not get the chance to write creatively. Our papers are almost always research papers that are written in APA format. 

What kinds of writing-intensive classes have you taken both inside and outside your major? 

  • I've taken this, Indian Epics, Revenge Tragedy, Expository Writing, English, History pre-civil war, and multiple research classes. However, all of my social work classes have had long papers and were writing-intensive. 

How have your courses helped you to grow and develop as a writer? 

  • My courses have helped me become very efficient at finding and evaluating sources for research purposes, as well as for real-world application. As a social worker, I will have to be able to find resources and information to refer clients to all the time. I feel like i've also grown in my creative writing because I have to really evaluate my writing for class. It's made me a more conscious writer, however, I still have trouble editing my creative writing as compared to my research writing. I think it's because I love writing and I love writing imagery-heavy stories, but am really discouraged to do that in my major's classes because they emphasize being concise and (often) clinical. 

What has been most/least helpful about the writing you have done for this class? 

  • The most helpful part about this class's writing has been the ability to write for fun as well as the feedback. I think it has really helped me become a better writer. The least helpful part of this class was probably the backup and checkup. Overall, I loved this class and thought it was really helpful.

What have been the most meaningful writing experiences that you have had in college? 

  • My most meaningful writing experiences have probably been my research papers into the effects of nonpharmacological treatments on dementia patients because it's something I am very passionate about and is opening doors for me at Valir where I volunteer. 

If you were to design a writing class for your major, what would that class look like? 

  • It would be a mix of short research assignments that would be about finding resources in your area. They would teach you how to sift through the online sources and find important information. It would also feature short posts about particular subjects related to social work/social welfare that interest the individual students (geriatric work, mental health, social welfare policy, international events, human rights, etc.). I think it would also feature a few assignments where the students had to go out and volunteer with an agency then write up a short paper about their experience. Last, I would want them to write about the code of ethics to ensure they know it and can apply it. 

If you were to design a writing class for students from all over OU, not specific to any major, what kind of writing class do you think would be most useful? 

  • A class that featured creative writing prompts and some research-based prompts would be nice. Also, maybe assignments that help prepare us for what life is like after college (for instance: how to apply for loans, resume editing, budgeting, healthcare, etc.). I feel like even with college i've been left on my  own to figure it all out because I was the first to go to college and the only family member I know who went to college went long enough ago that things have really changed. 

Don't Forget To Take Care of Yourself!

Self Love Koala
by Alexandria Brooke, found on Tumblr

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